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♥ Welcome

Just wishing and hoping
And thinking and praying
And planning and dreaming
The Problems Will Dissapear...

♥ The Girl

Name: Broken Beauty
School:The University Of Life Survival
Ambition:To Be The Prime Example Of Happiness
Loves:Julian Channing & Mia Antionette

♥ Desires

Learn To Live Life Withought Problems
Move To Another State
Raise My Son With Ultimate Respect
Be a Psychiatrist
A year vacation to Europe
A life partner who will treat me right

♥ Click


♥ Past

May 2008
June 2008
July 2008

♥ Layout

Designer: Lady-Nadya
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Font: DaFont
Base Codes: kynzgerl

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Never Enough ♥ 11:06 PM

U know I honestly dont know why people always expect more of what you can do... I mean how much can one person actually do to please someone else or are we people programmed to always want more than whats already given?? If thats the way it is then we are living in a fucked up world... I know theres someone out there who feels me real talk....

Listen to this here.....

I went to the store tonight right?? The food stamps kicked in... I was thinking to myself "Nobody here at the house has eating anything but ramen noodles in 5 days" Its midnight... I leave the house already tired from working all day standing on my feet still in my work uniform and go to Walmart... Im up there early at 11pm and took my sister with me to make sure shes got food in her crib being pregnant and all... Get in the store and start shopping get everything I need and think everyone else might want... Get to the checkout with a full basket full of food and spent approximately $182.69 just on my food alone... Then pay $175.13 on my sisters food... Walk out the store and decide that since im walking cus I dont have a whip that im gonna take this basket home with me to get my food there and just return the basket to Walmart in the morning when I get up... Had to walk down a big ass hill with a full basket of food that was heavy as hell... I mean the basket was pulling me down that hill worse than a pitbull or 80mph Get it home and ask my mom to put the food up for me so I could walk my sister and her basket of food home and she got up... but with a big ass attitude.... I mean come on now... i juss walked to Walmart at 11pm at night and got a basket full of food and u mean to tell me you cant put that shit in the fridge??? Thats fucked up.... I mean real talk, that shit hurt my feelings... Was I supposed to do it all myself???

Now im sitting here still in these sweaty ass clothes tired as hell with my feet hurting to triple max and having chest pains, hungry as hell, and juss pissed off....

Why do people always expect more than you already give?? Are you supposed to keep giving and giving and giving until the giving runs out?? When is it ur time to recieve??? Im doing the best I can here, and it always seems as if Im not doing anything that is benifitting anyone... I dont understand it.... Im hurt forreal....

The End.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

My Sisters Problematic Situation.... ♥ 8:04 PM

Ok what im wondering is howcome we women have to be so frugal and naive when it comes to men... I dont understand it... Maybe thats why im a Bisexual and sometimes I choose to be with the same sex cus I cant deal with the daily struggle of being classified as "Wifey 2 Him" Its too much for me...

My sister found her high school sweetheart about maybe 9 months ago... He came up here to Michigan to be with her in January. He knew before he came from Indiana that my sister was pregnant and gonna give birth to a child that wasnt biologically tied to him... He said that this was something he was prepared to accept... He had my sister thinking that they were juss gonna be this happy ass couple and have no problems and drama and be in love for the rest of their lives... Well guess what people?? That shit never panned out... Look at the date this was posted... Well today she has made up her mind and she is tired of the bullshit and said she was gonna put him out.... I was like damn girl you tired?? She was like yeah im tired of doing everything 8 months pregnant taking care of a grown ass man...

She told me about how he didnt want to get a job considering he had been here since January and hasnt found work yet... He is borderline Alcoholic... And has the shittiest attitude I've ever heard before... I mean my sister is out here everyday catching the bus back and forth to work making sure this nigga is fed and making sure he is comfortable with a roof over his head... And he has the audasity to ask her when shes gonna cook and clean the kitchen after she juss took her shoes off from working a 10 hour shift... I mean damn he juss dont give a damn about anything... Its all about him.. All he does is sit around all day while shes at work, drinking and playing video games and sleeping.... Thats what the fuck his whole life consists of... I know SAD right???

I asked her yesterday what the fuck she was doing... Like where is this relationship going and what are you getting out of it... I asked her what the last bill HE paid was and she told me he never has paid one since hes been in MI... im like damn girl... She is so close to having this baby and trying to balence parental life as a new 1st time mother and balencing a demanding ass job mustve hit her ass in the head and made reality set in forreal...

I dont judge people real talk but I couldnt be her... Cus instead of him being put out tonight it wouldve been two weeks after I saw he wasnt shit... I cant deal with somebody like that... i have a 2yr old son of my own and Im not taking care of any other dick but his... lol... Im not gon waste my time taking care of a grown ass man cus he tell me he love me... What the fuck has love got to do with it baybee?? Tina had that shit right when she sung that shit to Ike cus i mean really if I asked a lowlife man like hers, that question he wouldnt even be able to answer that shit... But look ya'll all I wanna say is when you in a relationship dont let that shit take over ya life and have you clueless... Dont take care of somebody who aint helping to take care of you as well... Cus that makes you look like the dummy and he aint with you cus he love you... he with you cus you are strictly a convenience to him... I mean what man wouldnt want a woman who cooked and cleaned and worked and payed the bills and all that shit?? I mean free food, free place to lay, free pussy... Shit I would take that shit... only if my momma didnt raise me with common courtesy and commen sense...

Signing off the situation.... Its not gonna be problematic for me... Over and Out Houston!!!

The End.