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♥ Welcome

Just wishing and hoping
And thinking and praying
And planning and dreaming
The Problems Will Dissapear...

♥ The Girl

Name: Broken Beauty
School:The University Of Life Survival
Ambition:To Be The Prime Example Of Happiness
Loves:Julian Channing & Mia Antionette

♥ Desires

Learn To Live Life Withought Problems
Move To Another State
Raise My Son With Ultimate Respect
Be a Psychiatrist
A year vacation to Europe
A life partner who will treat me right

♥ Click


♥ Past

May 2008
June 2008
July 2008

♥ Layout

Designer: Lady-Nadya
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Base Codes: kynzgerl

Saturday, July 19, 2008

A Lovers Duet.... ♥ 8:42 PM

How come everytime you think you meet somebody special and think that that specific person is gonna make all the bumpy cracks in ur heart go away, they turn out to be the worst thing thats ever happened to you??? Why is it that when you want that person so much and you think that the way ur feeling is so right it all turns out to be juss a romantic lovers fantasy??? Is it possible to ginuwinely like someone and not get ur feelings hurt in return of showing emotion????

I met this what I thought was a real sweet honest guy... I liked his swagg and his style and I really wanted to see how far things between him and I would go... He everything I like in a guy... Tall as fuck, chocolate, sexy, real, honest and I trusted him with myself completely... We hung out for about a week and now tonight he was supposed to be coming over and now he isnt answering my phone calls or alerts at all.... Matter of fact lemme break it down so u'll understand where im coming from....

I was chilling with him last night and he asked me if my hair was all mine... like did i wear weave or extensions or was all that hair really all me... I told him yeah and he asked if he could touch it... I told him yeah and he started running his fingers thru my hair right???? He told me I should wear my hair down more often cause it made me look sexy and he loved my hair....

I talked to him earlier today and he told me he was chilling with his kids which he only gets to see once a week right?? So im like cool do what you do and we'll meet up inbetween a lil bit later on.... He told me to chirp him back later tonight.... Which I did.....

I took 2 hours outta my time to press my hair and curl it up real cute so i could wear it down juss cause he told me last night he liked it... and when i got done and dressed i chirped his phone and went straight thru his line and didnt get an answer... I alerted his phone 3 times and still no answer and see im not the type of chick to chase dick... I dont get an answer then that must mean something right???

Now im sitting up here wondering what the fuck happened??? Was all that juss a conquest??? Was he juss chilling with me to see how far things would go?? Or was it juss the thrill of the chase?? To know that for a fact I wanted him and wanted to be tangled up somewhere inbetween some sheets with him from the first moment I felt the tingles rushing crazily thru my spine coming from his fingertips.... I mean literally I actually thought what we had was a love jones turning into something bigger than the everday ordinary crush.... I dont know what the hell I was thinking....

I know its harder for me to find someone who wants me for me and wants to spend time with me cus thats what they'd want to be doing... Im not skinny... im darker toned... and I have a kid... so I mean when theres all these chicks out here that are ravishing and stunning I always wonder in the back of my mind what the fuck a guy wants from me when I dont really feel as if I have much to offer....

I guess what you can call this situation here is simply put as "A Lovers Duet (Misunderstanding From The First Quartette)"

The End.